Seed Swap 24th 25th April
We will have our volunteers ready to give you seeds and advice (and you can bring any spare seeds you have to donate to others. 11am-2pm both days at Bridge Street Community Garden
We will have our volunteers ready to give you seeds and advice (and you can bring any spare seeds you have to donate to others. 11am-2pm both days at Bridge Street Community Garden
Last weekend there was a BBQ at Bridge Street Community Garden along with some light weeding and pottering around the garden. Luckily for us, Neil Simmons came along, and brought his excellent camera skills. There are some lovely shots of…
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We’re launching a brand new project this autumn to help people use fruit they have growing in their gardens but don’t know what to do with it. Harvest Banbury will collect fruit and distribute it to local charities, non profits…
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