With some donated trees, people power and lots of tea and cake we’ve so far planted lots of lovely heritage fruit trees in the park on Browning Road. 95 trees have so far been planted, and all of this has been able to be achieved at no cost through donations of materials and time.
It’s been over 5 years since the trees went in, and the orchard is looking well established. Why not pop along and have a look at how all the different types of fruit trees are getting on. The orchard is in Browning Road Park, just off the Bloxham Road in Banbury.
We hope to hold some events on the orchard, like the Chipping Norton Community Orchard so watch this space. If you have any ideas or expertise, we’d love to hear from you, and are always open to new volunteers and plans.
The orchard was started back in 2012 by the Queensway School pupils.
Sadly the Covid19 pandemic in 2020 curtailed our group activities but the trees continued from strength to strength. Luckily we managed a mulching and pruning session at the start of the season and this helped produce a bumper crop enjoyed by local residents.