Banbury Community Action Group

BCAG  October ’24 catch-up meeting

Text Box: 1st Oct 2024

Chair:          Jim                       

Minutes:    Harriet

Present:      Jim S, Naseem H, Harriet J, Lynda S, Chris M, Mike M, Neil W,

Colleen, Justin J, Julia W


1. Agenda item I   Welcome and apologies                                                                            Jim

Apologies from Tila R, Dan P, Paul B, Lynne C, James N.

2. Agenda item II   a) Minutes of the last meeting, 03/09/24 b) Matters arising from the last meeting, 03/09/24                                                           Jim

No comments were received on the minutes of the last meeting.

All matters arising are covered under items in the minutes.

3.  Agenda item III   BCAG admin                                                                                             Jim                                                      

Total hours spent on BCAG business and projects for September were recorded – thanks to everyone for putting in time.  Harriet to ask any core members not at the monthly meeting, for their hours. 

4.  Agenda item IV   Treasurer’s report                                                                              Naseem

BCAG central funds stand at around £2,462.   Thanks to Lynda for getting on with sorting this year’s insurance and liaising with OxCAG over possible contributions towards the premium.

5. Agenda item V   Social media, Newsletter, publicity                                                      Jim   

Thanks, Mike, for putting together News for September; news for October scheduled for second week of the month.

Stats not available this month.  September stats: main Facebook 1,270 followers; Bridge Street CG FB 883 followers.  BCAG mailing list 291 for Newsletter of which 220 are members.   [Shed 396 FB followers.]

6. Agenda item VI   Bridge Street Community Garden BSCG                                          (Tila)

Another busy month at the Garden:

Sunrise Multicultural Project’s youth club visited for a super session of apple pressing, juice tasting, hunting and crafting.  Thank you to Naseem for helping arrange this, and to the volunteers who donated local apples for the event.

Aspire and the Garden volunteers continue with their regular Monday sessions, helping with ongoing gardening tasks.

Woodcraft Folk came to redecorate their planter and enjoy Garden-based activities.

In collaboration with The Banbury Larder, there was an art and wellbeing session with artist Hira.

The fun vegan picnic was very popular with people bringing plant-based dishes to share.

Lynda and Chris represented BCAG and the Garden at Banbury Older People’s Day at Woodgreen Leisure Centre.

Oxford Doodle Club led a well-attended drawing session.

Sofi Bird ran a family yoga session.

Tila participated in the Harvest @ Home garden open day at BYHP.

Note the land under the Bluebird Bridge has flooded.  Jim and Tila have contacted CDC to collect the items abandoned by the rough sleepers including tents, chairs and shopping trolleys.

7.  Agenda item VII   Food Action                                                                                         (Dan)                                                     

Dan is in discussion with The Banbury Larder about how BCAG Food Action can best support this excellent new initiative in the town. 

Lynda will liaise with Dan over possible provision of refreshments through the Food Action at the upcoming Give & Take.

8.  Agenda item VIII   Browning Road Orchard BRO                                                        Harriet

Preliminary discussions are underway with BTC for a ‘mulching day’ at the orchard in partnership with the Banbury Town Orchard tree wardens.  Harriet to assess the level of pruning required this year and to plan for this as appropriate.

We are hoping to hold a Spring seed and plant swap.

Thank you to Colleen for her offer of help with these events.

9. Agenda item IX   Banbury Active Travel Supporters group                                        (Paul)

Julia Webb from Oxford University Hospitals Trust attended the meeting to notify BCAG/BATS of their upcoming Active Travel Day at the Horton Hospital, 17th October, 11am – 2pm.  The event is to encourage staff to abandon their cars and find other more sustainable ways to travel to work.  A range of other partners are involved and they warmly invite BATS to participate.  This is to be the first of such sessions which they hope to run on a half-yearly basis.

Signage for the 20 mph restrictions should go up throughout the town soon.  BATS are supporting ongoing requests for speed limits to be dropped on the through routes lying outside the current scheme, particularly where these pass school premises, eg St Mary’s.

BCAG / BATS has a role to play in giving positive publicity to the 20mph scheme and the benefits of 20mph restrictions.  If those responsible for socials could keep the flow of positive press going, this would be helpful in countering the inevitable negative response which will come when the scheme is implemented.

Heavy rain and flooding meant the sociable bike ride had to be cancelled.

10. Agenda item X     Banbury Environment Network                                                     Harriet

The BCAG group of water quality testers have been continuing with their regular testing of the local rivers and streams, monitoring nitrates and phosphates with simple chemical test kits, and logging other useful information about the quality of the environment. 

This information has been collated and analysed by the Cherwell & Ray Catchment Partnership.  The findings will be presented by Claire R, author of the report, at a meeting on 22nd October, 10am – 12noon, Waitrose Community Room.  All welcome.  Banbury’s new MP, Sean Woodcock, has been invited.

11. Agenda item XI     Climate Action                                                                                    Lynda

BCAG will have a stand at Banbury Canal Day, 05/06 October.  Led by BATS, this will include space for BCAG central, and all our projects including the Garden and Environment Network.  BSCG will also be open as a venue for the festival with its own multinational event taking place on the Saturday.

The next G&T will be held on 19th October at The Haven.  Lynda and Harriet to take the lead on the arrangements.


There was no other business raised at the meeting this month.


The November monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th, 7.30pm, online.