Banbury Community Action Group

BCAG  November ’24 catch-up meeting

Text Box: 5th Nov 2024

Chair:          Jim                       

Minutes:    Harriet

Present:      Jim S, Harriet J, Lynda S, Chris M, Paul B, Neil W


1. Agenda item I   Welcome and apologies                                                                            Jim

Apologies from Tila R, Dan P, Lynne C, Naseem H.

2. Agenda item II   a) Minutes of the last meeting, 01/10/24 b) Matters arising from the last meeting, 01/10/24                                                           Jim

No comments were received on the minutes of the last meeting.

3.  Agenda item III   BCAG admin                                                                                             Jim                                                      

Total hours spent on BCAG business and projects for October were recorded – thanks to everyone for putting in time.  Harriet to ask any core members not at the monthly meeting, for their hours.

This year’s end-of-year review of our policies is due: Lynda/Harriet will check we have in place those we need.

4.  Agenda item IV   Treasurer’s report                                                                           (Naseem)

BCAG central funds stand at around £2,820. 

5. Agenda item V   Social media, Newsletter, publicity                                                      Jim   

Sadly, due to other commitments, Mike can no longer find the time needed to compile the BCAG Newsletter.  Many thanks, Mike, for stepping in and putting together the issues you have done this year.  Jim will send out a call to see if anyone is interested in taking over.

November stats: main Facebook 1,285 followers; Bridge Street CG FB 914 followers.  BCAG mailing list 298 for Newsletter of which 229 are members.   [Shed 396 FB followers.]

6. Agenda item VI   Bridge Street Community Garden BSCG                                          (Tila)

October saw lots of activity in the Garden:

The Garden and Aspire volunteers continued with essential garden maintenance tasks – and did some creative activities too.  Thank you to them and to everyone who has helped with the general Garden tasks and with behind-the-scenes work putting on events.

Batool led multicultural wellbeing sessions bringing together refugee and local families, fostering a warm and inclusive atmosphere in the Garden.

Volunteers from the Garden were joined by The Banbury Larder and Sunrise Multicultural on a wellbeing trip to Harcourt Arboretum.

Grimsbury Play Day in the Garden was a great success – recorded in Tila’s video documenting the event.

Workshops included microgreens growing, art with Hira (in collaboration with The Larder), heritage wheat with Rhiannon, and wreath-making with Restore.

The ‘Around the World’ celebration with Multaka Oxford was a joyous cultural sharing – recorded in Tila’s video.

The Garden donated potted herbs to The Larder, so taking the Garden into people’s kitchens!

Sadly, there has been an attempt to move the benches under the pergola which has damaged their anchorage.

7.  Agenda item VII   Food Action                                                                                         (Dan)                                                     

The food action project, with support from The Larder, provided delicious and welcome soup and snacks at October’s Give and Take event.

The next food action events will continue this link with The Larder.

8.  Agenda item VIII   Browning Road Orchard BRO                                                        Harriet

Banbury Town Council has suggested BRO might be a possible place for a mini-meadow.  Harriet to discuss this further with BTC.

9. Agenda item IX   Banbury Active Travel Supporters group                                 (Paul/Neil)

The cycle stands at Woodgreen Leisure Centre have finally been installed – thank you Paul for all the work that went into making this happen.

Neil has been in touch with the County about the negative message sent by the newly installed 20mph signs being greyed out (a temporary measure until the limit comes into force).  The use of paint for this has the look of vandalism carried out as a reaction against the speed reduction policy.

A reminder that BCAG / BATS has a role to play in giving positive publicity to the 20mph scheme and the benefits of 20mph restrictions.  If those responsible for socials could keep the flow of positive press going, this would be helpful in countering the inevitable negative response which will come when the scheme is implemented.

The meeting discussed project options for the present wellbeing / active travel funding offer.  One option is the provision of public seating within the town, to assist those with limited mobility to stay active.  Note that the funding is limited to a couple of target areas within the town.

Paul observed that the current detour, in place while the Tramway station improvements are ongoing, is a long one for those on foot or cycling.  The canal towpath, although more direct, is not signed as an alternative route because of its poor accessibility and lack of lighting.  Grant money has been secured to put in steps down to the towpath at the Bridge Street end of the station approach and it was agreed that it would be a positive gain to have the towpath in this stretch upgraded.

10. Agenda item X     Banbury Environment Network                                                     Harriet

The ‘water-life’ nature table at Canal Day caught the interest of many visitors, particularly those under 10.  There was fantastic engagement discussing the creatures living in the water and the underlying importance of water quality.

The meeting on 22/10 to discuss the findings of the Banbury-area citizen science water quality testing work, was well attended.  Claire from Thames 21, co-hosts of the Cherwell & Ray Catchment Partnership, has put together an amazing digest of all the data gathered over the last year.   We were also joined by Laura B from Earthwatch who talked further about the FreshWater Watch programme which hosts the water quality testing scheme.

Harriet and Sue S will be looking at the options for the next phase of the water quality engagement.

Thank you to Waitrose for the use of their community room.

11. Agenda item XI     Climate Action                                                                                    Lynda

The BCAG canal-side pitch at Canal Day, 05-06/10 was well located with high passing footfall.  We were busy both days talking to visitors about sustainability issues, in particular active travel.  The addition of the ‘water-life’ nature table on the Saturday helped bring people to the stand.  Many thanks to everyone involved, including all the volunteers who helped over the weekend, for making this a successful event.

G&T 19/10, although still a positive event, was quieter than usual, probably because of the fair being in town.  Nevertheless, 49 people attended, there was 225kg in donations, and 14 items were repaired and/or PAT tested by the Repair Café.  Refreshments included delicious soup and snacks provided through our food action in partnership with The Larder.   Thank you to everyone involved in running the event and Rocky for his cooking skills.

Lynda will discuss possible collaboration with The Larder for the next G&T, provisionally February ‘25.

Chris has contacted our MP as a follow up to earlier requests to meet to discuss climate and biodiversity issues.  Sean is the only MP in Oxfordshire to not respond to the Climate Coalition- backed campaign for those with climate concerns to meet with their MPs.  To date, Chris has still had no reply.

Well done to the BCAG, WI and all Banbury persons who joined the London March for Clean Water, 03/11.  Thank you for making your voices heard.


Highmarket House care home, North Bar, has offered BCAG a meeting space and are keen to be involved with events that help bring younger and older generations together.  Lynda will visit them to make a link. 


The December monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd.  This will be an in-person get together!