Banbury Community Action Group

October 2019 Meeting Notes

PRESENT: Lyndsey Scott, Colin Smith, Harry Wragg

  1. Apologies: Aseem Bandali, Lynda Smith
  2. Review of Previous Minutes: Congratulations to Harry who is expecting a baby in March 2020

We will need additional support in order to take over Harry’s duties with the Bridge Street garden as he steps away to focus on his family. Looking to share the responsibilities among a number of volunteers.


  1. Oxford Trees for the Future event/ Extinction Rebellion

OTFTF have asked to host an awareness workshop at the Bridge Street garden about trees and tree care. Estimated 40 people on the 23rd of November, bring and share, set up at 11, lunch from 12-1pm

Lyndsey to verify partnership with CAG in order to work with ER


  1. Apple Day

Browning Road Community Orchard is hosting Apple day from 2pm – 4pm, volunteers needed from 12. Harry to bring the gazebo.

Men in sheds have donated bat boxes

Volunteers: Aseem, Lynda, Hilary, Lyndsey

  1. Any Other Business.

Volunteers needed for tree pruning on the 22nd of February

Facilitate contact between the low carbon hub and the Horton View Community Cafe

How will we hand over knowledge and skills gaps from members who have left CAG in order to continue programs and systems in place. How do we keep running?

  1. Next Meeting.
    Tuesday 5​th​ November, 7.00pm, 4 Ale and Gin