Summary minutes from Tuesday 4th February 2020
Agenda Item/s | Actions (if any) / By |
Welcome / Introductions | Steph, Jim, Lynda, Hollie, Maria, Harriet, Chris, Colin & Harry (Chair & Minute taker) |
Apologies | Tila, Alex, Aseem |
Minutes of Previous meeting &Items carried over | 1) Fruit tree grafting workshop going ahead 22/2/20 – 3 spaces left for CAG members (Harriet offering car share). 2) Newsletter created by Steph & Harriet – welcome feedback and share new content for next newsletter (deadline Monday 10th February). 3) Venue to remain at the Old Auctioneer. 4)Aseem to follow up passwords with Lorraine ‘Cherwell Lottery’. |
Bridge Street Community Garden – update | 1) Brian Collins confirmed bins are going to be installed by Banbury Town Council. Waiting for sign off from relevant people and installation specifics. 2) BC also mentioned Banbury in Blooms judges acknowledged the work Banbury CAG have done. 3) Alex Berry has expressed an interest in becoming new project lead as Harry is stepping down. 4) Volunteer role advert to be copied onto Keith for volunteer Oxfordshire Facebook and website pages. 5) Volunteer meeting to take place on Tuesday 25th February @ Pinto Lounge. |
Banbury Tree Grafting Workshop – updates / volunteers | Alex signed up, HW interested (not commited), 4 more spaces available, HW to send out message – invite other volunteers involved in gardening activities. |
Feedback from Tooley’s Yard consultation | Lynda attended the meeting, lots of other local groups, showed interest in how they can support Tooley’s. CAG’s role in this is uncertain, no commitments as of yet. |
Reviving ‘Banbury Car Club’ project | Hollie and Chris shared thoughts – Chris had already taken a lead on this in the past on behalf of CAG and as a local resident. Chris to share contact info with Hollie to pursue leads. |
Sunrise MCP – collaboration | Maria Holden explained how she would like to help Banbury CAG publicise our events/activities/workshops with her community at Sunrise Multi Cultural Project (working mainly with Banbury’s Pakistani community). If CAG shared leaflets/events for projects she can hand these out to people within the community.Maria’s youth group has attended Bridge St community Garden in the past. Done food workshops. Cooking and food/gardening related activities would be of interest. |
Volunteer speakers requested for The Ridings event in March (to discuss CAG activities) | This was not properly discussed as we hadn’t read the email. This needs to be added to the next meetings agenda. |
Updating BCAG leaflet & Website update – Any volunteers ? | Steph happy to tinker with the website, see if it can be improved/updated. Not sure about the leaflet. |
Rota for Chair/minute takers ? | A rota for chair and minute takers would be useful. At the very least someone should commit to chairing two weeks in advance in order to create an agenda. To be discussed and finalised at next meeting with Aseem’s input. |
AOB’s | Browning Road Community Orchard – Maintenance event to take place on Sunday 23rd February 2020. HW to organise mulch with Banbury Town. Tila @ Banbury Trees happy to share event on facebook/support with promoting event. Colin Smith is happy for HW to take a lead on this event. |
Mailing list support – HW to request passwords for Mail Chimp from Steph, to create a separate mailing list for Bridge St Volunteer group. | |
Bikes – cycle paths – sustrans, Chris suggested possibilities of working with other groups help create routes for cycling. Jim has a contact within XR already interested in this. | |
Bike Hub – ‘broken spoke’ contact has been dropped as CAG discussed at one point suggestion of applying for funding through Oxfordshire environmental ? We could create bid for money to buy bike workshop gear to facilitate ‘fix your own bike’ events once a month. Requires volunteers to take this on and organise though. | |
Give or take event 28th March, Lynda and Harriet to lead. Others welcome to help with organising. Jim available to do repair stall. | |