Banbury Community Action Group

BCAG Nov 2021 Minutes

Chair:          Jim                       

Minutes:    Harriet

Present:      Jim S, Lynda S, Harriet J, Zsofi B, Tila R, Chris M, Jill O, Jane R, Dale H, Megan, Harry W


1. Agenda item I   Welcome, introductions and apologies                                                  Jim

There were no apologies.

2. Agenda item II   Matters arising from Oct meeting, 05/10                                            Jim

It was agreed to keep follow up from Cathy’s talk about Low Carbon Hub, Oxford, as an item for a future agenda.  All other matters arising are covered under agenda items.

3.  Agenda item III   BCAG admin                                                                                               Jim

Totals hours spent on BCAG business and projects for October were recorded – thanks to everyone for putting in time; total hours are submitted annually to Oxfordshire CAG. 

4.  Agenda item IV   Treasurer’s report                                                                                Lynda

Bank balance standing at c.£8,400K, which includes the grant from the National Lottery Community Fund: Places Called Home; the donation from ESEY; and donations from events.  Lynda, Jim and Tila to meet to ensure we have robust accounting procedures in place to manage spend against the various grants and projects.

5. Agenda item V   Social media, Newsletter, publicity                                         Harriet/Jim

STATS:  Mailchimp: 268 contacts / 148 subscribers /  88 voting members; Facebook: BCAG 915 followers 777 likes; BSCG 343 followers, 322 likes.

October/November News and Update sent out 03/11

6. Agenda item VI   Bridge Street Community Garden  BSCG                                Tila/Lynda

Events: Tila has continued to arrange an array of lovely events at the Garden.  

Support enabling this programme has been secured from the IKEA and NLCF grant aid; and Good Food Oxford.  A bid has been put in for funding from Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment TOE.

The planned new design for the Garden has been submitted to CDC (the ‘Garden’ area) and BTC (hardstanding and also the shrubs alongside the road) in accordance with the original agreement for use of the land as a Community Garden.

The Grimsbury Playday, held this year with a ‘nature’ theme, at BSCG, was a great success: well attended and a great community atmosphere with families enjoying being together and out in the open.  Thanks to the WHTS for providing delicious soup, and to everyone who joined in to make it such a fun day.

Tila is writing an article for the Grimsbury Network newsletter.

Regular groups using the Garden include ESEY and Restore.  The Food Forest talk was well attended.

Many thanks to Mark for cutting all the scaffolding boards (at the correct angles for hexagons!) in readiness for the creation of the next raised beds.  5 high-side beds have been made at the north end of the Garden for back-friendly use.

Tila is attending the Oxford Trees for the Future event on 23/10; good to have this link.

A group of BCAG members helped out with clearing the shed to make a bit more room: thank you to that team who did an amazing job.  The shed is now well organized, but there is still need for additional covered space that can be used for groups and meetings.  There was unanimous agreement that a new shed should be purchased; funding is available for this from the CDC grant.  Tila to source, order, and arrange for shed to be put up!

Thanks from the meeting to Tila for all this fantastic activity.

7.  Agenda item VII   Browning Road Orchard BRO                                                        Colin

Helped by the weather, the 2021 BRO Apple Day was wonderful.  Lots of local families came along, and loads of apples were donated for pressing.  Everyone joined in and the children declared the apple juice to be the sweetest and most delicious ever tasted.

Thanks go particularly to Colin for organizing the day, and Anita for baking!

8. Agenda item VIII  Banbury Active Transport Supporters group (BCAG-led project)  Zsofi

The Group has drawn up a draft Mission Statement.

OCC has invited BATS to comment on plans to improve access to the station which include limiting car access to the Bridge Street entrance, and upgrading the Tramway approach.  OCC will present the plans to BATS at a meeting 04/11 prior to the scheme going out to consultation.

BATS have drafted a template letter for residents to send to their local councillors in support of the 20’s Plenty for Us campaign: Jim will circulate this to the mailing list.  A 20 mph speed limit is being trialed in various parts of the county: parish or town councils need to make a request in order to be considered for inclusion in the trial.

Everyone is encouraged to fill in the CoHSAT 15 Minute survey, deadline 01/12, which is looking to gather data on what people consider as services which should be within a 15 minute walk from their homes.

Great that BATS continues to be so active and to support residents to choose active travel: thanks especially to Zsofi.

9. Agenda item IX    Biodiversity Project                                                                       Harriet

The application to TOE for funding for wildlife-centred hexagon beds in BSCG has been submitted with full support of Wild Banbury.

Fantastic that the Grimsbury Playday this year was held in the Garden and with a ‘nature’ theme.

10. Agenda item X     Climate Action COP26                                                                      Jill

As part of the global actions highlighting concerns about climate change and the need for climate justice, there will be a demonstration with banners at the Fine Lady statue, 10am, Saturday 6th (marking the half-way point of COP26). From here a group will go on to join the march in Oxford. 

Photos of the banners will be sent to the PM via social media at 11am, and sent to Ms Prentis MP.  BCAG will be sending a message.


Many thanks to B&Q for their donation of seeds (short sell-by dates): very useful and much appreciated.

Good to have BCAG meetings mentioned in “Read This” free magazine.

Remember that the need for a printer continues to be under review.


Tuesday 7th December, 7pm, Zoom.