Chair: | Jim S | ||
Minutes: | Harriet J |
Attendees: | Lynne C, Harriet J, Chris M, Colin S, Jim S, Lynda S |
Welcome from Jim. Apologies were received from Tila R, Maria M
1. Chairman’s report Jim |
Jim gave the following Chairman’s report on BCAG activities 2022-23:
CAG continued to flourish with strong growth in our membership across all our projects. We continued with online monthly meetings via Zoom, the minutes from these meetings (available on our website) serving as a record of all that we have achieved throughout the year.
At Bridge Street Garden, further grant funding was secured by our project officer. Tila’s tireless enthusiasm for the project of engaging with many local community groups has resulted in more garden volunteers than ever before and several community groups have adopted a raised bed and are growing food in it. Several plant and seed swaps have been held throughout the year to engage with a wider group of growers.
The Browning Road Orchard, supported by Banbury Town Council, also held several events during the year including the return of the ever-popular apple pressing. Additional trees were planted to expand the orchard in 2022. In partnership with Wild Banbury volunteers and local residents the wildlife area was enhanced and the ditch opened up following Thames Water repairing a long-term leak.
Our Banbury Active Travel subgroup brought in many new members interested in promoting walking and cycling in Banbury. Finally, after delays of more than 18 months, the LCWIP was put out for consultation, although at this stage we still have no indications of a formal publication date. Members also continued pushing the local town councillors to promote a reduction in speed limits across the town as part of the 20s plenty campaign.
Two popular Give & Take and Repair Cafes were held during the year with substantial volumes of goods diverted from landfill. There are plans to hold more of these in the coming year.
We started a new initiative based around food security / food waste issues. Cook Together Eat Together (CTET) successfully ran some pilot sessions but has been unable to move forward due to lack of success recruiting a Project Officer. We have secured both grant funding and private donations for the project.
BCAG collaborated with Extinction Rebellion Banbury, local WI and Wild Banbury on the Dirty Water project.
Thanks to Maria, the Newsletters have been published regularly throughout the year, connecting us with Banbury CAG membership.
We now have 244 (+28%) mailing subscribers (176 (+53%) of these are voting members). The CAG Facebook page has 1,138 (+13%) followers and the Bridge Street Garden page has 596 (+28%) followers.
Banbury CAG is part of the wider Oxfordshire CAG network and would like to take this opportunity to thank them for the support and financial assistance we have received throughout the year.
Both Banbury Town Council and Cherwell District Council have supported us this year both financially and through support from officers, for which we are extremely grateful.
Finally, I want to thank all the volunteers and CAG officers and core members who have made our success possible this year – without their volunteer hours we would simply cease to exist and Banbury would be all the poorer for that. Special thanks to Lynda who is stepping down as Treasurer after 4 years in the post.
Jim Smith
2. Final accounts and treasurer’s report Lynda |
Lynda, as treasurer, presented the BCAG Financial Report for April 2022 – March 2023.
TSB Bank Balance. 1/4/22. £12,954.64
Note the higher than usual balance figure for the end of the previous financial year due to
£10,000 being deposited 18th March 2022 for a new Project.
(See Spreadsheets for details of transactions.)
Grants and Donations brought in £20,000+
9 Grants were received during the year totalling. £16,596.13
5 Community Groups funded BSCG activities with Tila. £1,277
BGW contributions from groups £600
Donations from individuals /groups £1,375
CAG Oxfordshire contributions £415
Cherwell Lottery £104
End of Year Balance 31/03/23 £5,462.15
Note: within the balance are 3 grants allocated to Projects totalling £4,000+
Funds not allocated to projects £1,400+
The accounts have been audited; Abi will be signing off the accounts for the financial year this week.
Banking with TSB is now online.
Lynda Smith
Treasurer April 2023
3. Voting in the new committee |
The new committee was voted in as follows:
CHAIR: Jim Smith
TREASURER: (vacant) Lynda has kindly offered to continue until a new treasurer comes forward.
SECRETARY: Harriet Jordan
Chris thanked the three BCAG named officers for their time in coordinating the Group over the last year.
There was no other business raised.