BCAG AGM 2021 | 4th April, 2021 7pm zoom |
Chair: | Jim | ||
Minutes: | Harriet |
Attendees: | Ingrid C, Jake E, Dale H, Harriet J, Chris M, Jill O, Mike Peel, Jane R, Jim S, Lynda S |
1. Chair’s report Jim |
Jim, as acting chair, reported on BCAG activities 2020-21.
Despite the challenges of the pandemic, BCAG has had a busy year. Although lockdowns have prevented live events, the Group has been active online (eg as part of Banbury Shed), and has used the enforced lull to update and enhance its website and social media channels. The number of subscribers and followers on Facebook have both continued to grow.
Group meetings have been held on Zoom on a regular monthly basis, 1st Tuesday of each month. These have been well advertised through mailings to subscribers, and are open to all. We have welcomed guest speakers at several meetings.
The monthly Update and Newsletter has continued through the year, raising awareness on a range of pressing environmental issues including climate change; biodiversity loss; waste and carbon reduction; sustainable transport; and food, water and energy efficiency issues.
The Bridge Street Community Garden (BSCG) and Browning Road Orchard (BRO) sites have continued to be well-maintained by volunteers throughout the year.
The very successful Banbury Active Travel Supporters (BATS) has been launched with a mission to improve the town for those travelling without motor vehicles. BATS has developed excellent relations with many other organisations and groups involved with cycling, walking and clean air/healthy streets issues. The current focus is on building up information about the quality of routes through the town, to feed in to the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) currently being drafted through Cherwell District Council.
‘Biodiverse Banbury’, an initiative aimed at drawing attention to the ecological emergency, and encouraging community engagement in this area, is underway. Links with existing groups working on nature-related projects are being made, prior to us embarking on some project work.
Work to raise the profile of COP26 is being planned under the Friends of the Earth instigated ‘Oxfordshire COP26 Climate Alliance’ (OCCA) umbrella.
A window of opportunity between lockdowns was used for a well-attended ‘Seed and Produce Swap’ held at BSCG in August. BCAG is in the process of planning a Spring ‘Seed Swap’ event for the end of April.
2. Final accounts and treasurer’s report Lynda |
Lynda, as treasurer, presented the final accounts to the meeting.
Balance carried forward from last year: £2986.59
Income for the year: £350.50
Expenditure: £758.39
Income – expenditure: £407.89
Balance: £2,578.70
BCAG would like to thank those who have most kindly made donations to the Group.
Many of the BCAG events are low-cost to run, being dependent on donations of time and resources. While BCAG has some money in the bank, there is, however, a need for additional funds to cover ongoing costs such as insurance (premium of £294.64 this year, generously covered by CAG Oxfordshire) and costs associated with BSCG and BRO. Project work will also require funds. Funding and budgets must be kept in mind as the Group expands its work and activities during the year ahead.
3. Voting in the new committee |
The new committee was voted in as follows:
CHAIR: Jim Smith proposed: Harriet Jordan; seconded: Lynda Smith
TREASURER: Lynda Smith proposed: Mike Peel; seconded: Jake Ellement
SECRETARY: Harriet Jordan proposed: Jim Smith; seconded Lynda Smith
There was no other business raised.