Banbury Community Action Group

Car share coming to Banbury?

It is really exciting for us to be launching a survey to gauge interest in a car share scheme for the town. Nearly a quarter of Banbury homes don’t have a car, and it can sometimes be difficult to fit schedules around public transport, especially for those little trips to the supermarket, or to see a friend in a local village. A car share scheme could offer a solution to those who drive, but don’t need to have a car all year. By having a car share in the town, people can have access to a car whenever they wish without the need for tax, MOT or insurance and can pay as they use it. It’s a greener option for the town as many people use one car, and the cars on offer are low emissions too!

So we want people in Banbury to take two minutes to complete a short survey to find out how popular a car share may be. Once the survey is completed we can look at the responses and see what would work best for Banbury, including things like type of car available and where it would be parked. If successful the scheme could also expand into electric bikes or vans for local businesses.

Even people with cars may find it useful and are encouraged to fill out the survey. If you have one car in the family, but need to make a separate trip, the car share could be perfect, as it’s easy to book online and can be used for as little as an hou

The survey can be taken by anyone in Banbury and will be open until Sun May 29th.

What is a Car Club?

They are run to give people access to cars that don’t have them, or save people running a car all year, for a few journeys, saving them hassle and money. It may also save having a second car which is only occasionally needed.

You would sign up as a member and pay a small monthly fee (around £5) then you can book the car as and when you like, via an easy online service. Similar car share schemes run in Oxford and Swindon and all across the country.

The benefits

Online booking 24/7

Cheap rates starting at around £5 per hour

Easy access – The car would be in a central location and available 24/7

Security – The company’s insurance covers accidents (after a small excess)

Hassle free – No MOT’s, cleaning, insurance or tax to worry about, it is all taken care of